Every story starts with an ending

Orange-bellied flowerpecker in Central-Java. Shot with the old Nikon D3S + Sigma 150-500mm (all 2nd-hand) at f4.0, 1/800, iso 2000, 300mm.

Bogged down by heavy equipment, and faced with the astronomical weight and prices of prime gear, I decided to shelf my budding hobby of bird/nature photography several years ago.

A long period of pure observation followed,

Aided only by a set of binoculars, the odd loop, and field guides; this process guided me back to the joy of direct and undocumented observation.

Unencumbered by what should be ‘captured’, simply enjoying ‘what is’, these observing hours further nursed a deeper intimacy with the natural world.

Yet, photography retained it’s attractive force. The creativity that it can add to the experience of observation

I decided to bring photography back into my life, on the condition that the joy of observation comes first, and the thrill of capturing these moments second.

Finally, to not get stuck back in the prime-gear ratrace, to not break the bank, nor my back;

I decided to challenge myself to find the set of gear that would allow the maximum range of creativity and performance, at the minimal cost in weight and expenditure.

Challenge accepted!